Statistics support for Social Sciences and Behavioral Data by Bryce Corrigan, SNF Agora Institute at JHU.Sign up with their online intake form to start the process. Biostatistics, Epidemiology And Data management (BEAD) core: Provides statistics and data management support for JHU faculty. Get started learning the most popular programming language in the world.They have walk-in biostatistics consultations available online for several popular statistical software, such as R, SAS and STATA. Biostatistics Center at School of Public Health: Provide statistics support to JHU faculty, staff and SPH graduate students.Questions on this forum are not limited to R. Cross Validated: A Q& A forum for questions related to statistics, machine learning, data analysis, data visualization and data mining.Bioconductor Support: Bioconductor provides software written in R to analyze high-throughput genomic data and this forum provides support for its users.RStudio Community: A Q&A forum for R users to ask R- or RStudio-related questions.Questions on this forum are not limited to R. Stack Overflow: A platform for people to ask technical questions and find answers to them.In the end, there are some practices to test your knowledge.

That means that there’s no vendor in the sense that, say, Microsoft owns Excel.

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